Are you considering to getting breast augmentation surgery? Well, this is a common form of plastic surgery, and many women undergo this process in a hope to get fuller, larger, and better breasts. There could be many reasons why a person would like to undergo the process of breast augmentation, but the main ones are:
• She wants to correct the size and shape of her breasts
• She wants to deal with her low self-esteem
• She wants to get same sized breasts, as this is a common problem of not having the same sized breasts in many females.
• She wants to get back her physique which she used to enjoy before getting pregnant.
When you get your first consultation appointment with your plastic surgeon, make sure that you are fully prepared with all the questions that you need to ask from the doctor. Dr Leonard Hochstein suggests to creating a list of questions because the quality of surgery will greatly depend on the quality of discussion between doctor and the patient. He is a competent and professional plastic surgeon with years of successful experience in the field of breast augmentation.
Learn about the implant options –Before youthinkabout getting breast augmentation, you must make sure to learn about the different implant options available, Different options have different results, and you should be aware of the complications and the outcomes before you decide. Saline implants and silicone implants are two of the most common implant types that people undergo.
Saline implants – If you do not want a large scar on the breasts, this could be a better option. Saline bags are inserted and then these are filled with silicone.
Silicone implants – This is an option where a larger scar is expected, and silicones as a whole are inserted into the body. Silicone implants are more expensive as compared to saline implants.